Monday, November 19, 2007

T-giving in the 'Worth

I'm fortunate enough to have a few days off for Thanksgiving, so I'll be headed to see my parents (and eat their divine amalgamation of foods). However, I know many who won't be getting a home-cooked meal for Turkey Day. Therefore, as a public service, I'm asking The Fort Worthian's readers and writers to share their picks for Thanksgiving restaurants. Best turkey, best stuffing, best use of canned cranberry sauce or even best pumpkin pie-flavored cocktail: Let us know the best place to spend the holiday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think all I have to say is that "the 'Worth" isn't really a good nickname/abbreviation of "Fort Worth." It's no shorter, nor is it catchy or aurally pleasing. I suppose it attempts to correspond to the shortening of "Thanksgiving," though.