Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I forgot to title this...

Some of you guys may remember Jeramy's post a few months ago on the subject of cupcakes. Well, in the midst of all his Seinfeld-ian struggle, the post was passed on to Sandra. Here's here reply:

Someone recently sent this post to me.

I sure hope you’ve not given up on a cupcake from The Cupcake Cottage. I assure you it was never our goal to turn our cupcakes into tiny quests! While you're busy sleeping-in I am busy baking and my husband follows in to frost our little treasures so they're ready at 10:00a.m. We are kicking out hundreds of these sweet treats each day!

You may have missed us due to our business goal which is a little different from most in that we ‘break for life’. Visit our website and Click on Taking Breaks for details: www.thecupcakecottage.com

Like Steve, we also encourage customers to trek over to Dallas for the Sprinkles experience, not to mention the increased volume of baking compared to our wee kitchen. What we didn't anticipate is having Dallas customers find their way to us, but we get them all the time! We've even had couriers sent to pick up as many as 12 dozen to be delivered to a large firm in Dallas!

If you've not been in yet, be sure to try again or call us, 817-732-5670. We hold cupcakes for late-coming customers all the time! You are even welcome to call a day or two ahead so you don’t interrupt your morning slumber! ;)

We deeply appreciate the patience and perseverance of each customer that finally finds us open and NOT sold out! They have caught on that we're serious about calling and having us hold cupcakes! (and) Many make that extra effort to get to our shop early…

Fort Worthians are quick learners and a smart lot!! We love ‘em!!

sandi =)

Now, I've spent a fair amount of time as a reporter, and I can generally sense when someone is not cool. Sandra, however, seems way cool. So, I am making an executive decision to throw all of my cupcake-lovin support behind this Cupcake Cottage.

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