Monday, July 2, 2007

Red Cactus redux...

Back in mid-June, I pondered a parking sign about a non-existent but coming soon place called Red Cactus. Well, I got my answer this weekend when I saw workers gutting the former dry cleaner next to Flash. There's a sign for "Red Cactus: Fresh Mexican Food." Looks like Fuzzy's is going to have some competition in the TCU area...

It's nice to see TCU getting more dining options within walking distance. Oh, and here's my idea for anyone who wants it, since I don't have enough money for franchise fees and the like: Someone needs to open a Buffalo Wild Wings on the first floor of the Grand Marc. A sports bar on the first floor of the Marc? That's printing your own money... Plus, that would become the de facto hangout before TCU games... Plus plus there are no wing places immediately around TCU and I could go there during lunch and play NTN trivia, which is like crack to me... So please, Mr. or Ms. Moneybags, open a BWW in the Marc. Pretty please?


Anonymous said...

Fresh Mexican food always sounds so appealing.

Carla said...

Buffalo Wild Wings: great idea. And I, too, have wondered what the Red Cactus was. Thank you for answering my unasked questions.

Anonymous said...

I can't stop calling it BW3, because that's what it is/was in Cincinnati when I was growing up. In case you're wondering, it stood for Buffalo Wild Wings & Weck, weck being the sauce they put on the wings. But since nobody outside Ohio knew what weck was, the name changed.

And yeah, they need one closer. In the meantime, if anybody's up for a trip to Burleson, let me know...