Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Fitted Shirt: Dirty Dillards

OK, onto the next topic.

I'm also tagging in a new feature called "The Fitted Shirt."

Here's the deal. I like clothes, I like to look nice. Not preppy or anything, just nice. However, they just don't make properly fitting clothes in my budget anymore. I just enjoy a nice, clean, fit shirt. This feature is my (and maybe our other contributors as they see fit) place to talk about clothes, stores, shopping, whatnot.

And, maybe one day it'll take, and they'll start to make shirts that fit right (Thanks, Britt).

I'm sure by now all know about Dirty Dillard's, the Dillard's clearance store in the Six Flags Mall just off of Division Drive. This being said, I got a handful of $100 plus shirts for about $20. It was nice.

Sadly, the mall has seen better days. But, then again, haven't we all?

If you don't know about this place, it's like the nexus of clothes that didn't sell during their season. Everything in the store in 75 percent off, and because of Father's Day this weekend, an extra 40 percent was knocked off. Whoop-i-dee-do.

Part of me thinks this is the kind of place that your mom brought you to right before school started if you grew up here. Anyone have that experience?

Where you guys and gals buying your clothes?


Anonymous said...

Can we get a segment called "My little japanese cigarette case" next? Maybe we can talk about how difficult it is to find a good one these days. Joking aside, keep the new segments coming.

Unknown said...

hey darren, the next time you go there, let me know. i want in on this shit.